Ten years of tech: what will technology in the home look like in a decade?

2013 was somewhat of a technology turning point. We marvelled at the public adoption of drones, huge advances in voice recognition, and the promise of 4K displays on the horizon.

Yet, even then, the tech of 2023 would seem like an impossible future, with fully-kitted home offices across the nation and the advent of 8K TVs bringing new meaning to high definition.  

With that said, what can we expect the home to look like if we send the clocks forward another decade? Looking into the hazy mist of the crystal ball, here’s where we think tech will be in the homes of 2033.

Streaming is big and it will only get bigger

Image Credit: Souvik Banerjee

The pandemic may have presented the perfect storm for streaming services. Still, it’s unlikely that many of us could have foreseen the boxset boom that followed, with heavy Hollywood hitters like the MCU and Star Wars setting up basecamp on digital platforms.

In 2033, we see major film events following suit! As streaming service membership and membership retention continue to climb, cinema releases will flock to the digital world as the new status quo for home entertainment! That’s why we’re seeing streaming platforms reviewing their pricing plans and introducing adverts as they can see this is where the market is heading.

Streaming parties for sporting tournaments will also be the norm in a decade’s time. Pubs and bars will likely still host coverage for football, rugby and Formula One, but crowding around your mate’s sofa to stream a pivotal fixture will certainly be the modern, more accessible way for stalwart and new sports fans alike.

But let’s not forget that the death of cinema has been predicted for years with many seeing the pandemic as the knockout blow. Yet the recent billion-dollar release of Barbie and other big blockbusters proves that the cinema still has plenty of life in it. So whilst the move towards streaming at home will continue to grow, the cinema will likely still have an important role to play.

More than meets the eye

technology in a decade
Image Credit: XR Expo

Heads up! Virtual and augmented reality headsets are the future!

Not only are they becoming more accessible, with budget-friendly options appearing as often as high-end examples, but their applications have grown increasingly diverse.

From education and gaming to use in the remote-working world, 2033 will likely see the home embrace virtual reality, augmented reality, and a mixture of the two, as a key technological offering. Especially with industry giant Apple unveiling the ‘Vision Pro’, it is likely that its presence will encourage competitors to populate the mixed-reality market as they previously did for the huge growth of smartphones and tablets.

Whether it’s for students immersing themselves in simulations of the annals of history or taking business meetings to the virtual realm, 10 years will certainly see us looking through a new lens.

The doctor will see you now…virtually

technology in a decade
Image Credit: National Cancer Institute

Technology has done wonders to bring the outside world to us. The home can be your cinema, your office, and even your gym, all thanks to the unstoppable march of technology.

As this march continues to surge forward, your home will likely see greater integration with digital health growing more advanced as virtual medical solutions become more widely used.

Innovations, such as virtual wards and virtual outpatient services, have already begun integrating into everyday healthcare, allowing patients to be monitored and updated on their conditions from the comfort and convenience of their own homes via video conferencing and digital questionnaires.

We see this becoming the norm in 2033 as the UK strives towards a more digital, more accessible attitude to its healthcare.

Brain training

technology in a decade
Image Credit: Mojahid Mottakin

Our homes are fairly smart in 2023. They could, however, be smarter. We can already adjust our thermostats from our phones, monitor home security from our tablets, and even speak to our fridges, but the rising prevalence of AI could raise our home’s IQ that little bit further.

In a decade’s time, we see AI tech becoming the ‘master’ of the house and its many devices to create a home hub that learns your personal daily routines.

It might set your morning alarms, have your coffee made as you come downstairs, alert you of incoming deliveries, or perhaps queue up the next episode of your new favourite series for your post-work wind-down.

However you choose to use it, AI integration could be the next step in the evolution of the home.

Staying connected

technology in a decade
Image Credit: Denny Muller

If we’re to welcome these gadgets into our homes in the next 10 years, we’re going to require broadband that is just as innovative.

Fortunately, the broadband of tomorrow already exists today: full fibre.

With speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps, and the potential to reach 10,000 Mbps in the future, we’re certain that the reliability and strength of full fibre connectivity will be the backbone of almost every household in 2033.

This will be crucial as, in a decade, these devices will likely demand a great deal of data to run, especially when running multiple gadgets at once.

This is only a positive change if everyone is able to take advantage of the benefits, however, which is why we also hope that 10 years’ time will see progress in tackling the digital divide. As of 2021, 10 million people in the UK lack the basic skills needed for our digital world and, as our day-to-day lives become more integrated with technology, closing this divide will only become more crucial.

Learn more about the digital divide and how you can get involved for Get Online Week (October 16 – 22) 2023.

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