
International Women’s Day  

International Women’s Day (IWD) takes place annually on 8 March. It is globally recognised day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It’s a day to appreciate women whilst highlighting the issues they still face such as gender equality and violence and abuse.

The theme for IWD 2023 is #EmbraceEquity which aims to bring to light how people should be treated fairly and impartially, regardless of gender. Organisers say “equity isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have”, encouraging everyone that although we have made progress, there is still a long way to go.

Shining a light on the women who make up 30% of our employees is extremely important. We spoke to some of them about their lives, inspirations, and what for them would help build an ideal workplace.

Kristina, Design Systems Solution Architect

“I am inspired by the many successful women paving the way in various fields and industries that were previously seen as ‘male-dominated’. Watching all of the extraordinary women inspire the many by going beyond the limits of their own expectations, participating and leading the change to a better, more diverse world for everyone.”

The most important piece of advice Kristina has been given is, “Never stop moving, both physically and mentally. If you are not moving forward, you are being left behind.”

Boladale, Talent Acquisition Specialist

“Michelle Obama is a woman who inspires me for her gracefulness under pressure. She wrote something that resonates with me ‘Whether you come from a council estate or a country estate, your success will be determined by your own confidence and fortitude.’

My mum has had a huge impact on my life from day one. She is an amazing example of ‘you can balance it all and still have fun’. She is not only a mother, but also a career woman.

Though it seems like we women have a stronger voice than ever, there is still room for improvement in building a workplace for us to thrive. I personally think that building social capital is key. This can be done by creating an environment where women can voice their concerns and share feedback with one another.”

Victoria, Network Acquisition Manager

“The most important piece of advice I’ve been given was when I started at County Broadband. I was told to be proactive, not to wait for things to come to you, go get ‘em! I also pass this advice on when I am training and completing inductions for new starters.

For me, the key to building a thriving workplace for women is to always listen, be understanding and provide flexible working options when required to give women equal opportunities in the business. I believe I am living proof of this.”

Danielle, Contract Dispute and Retention Advisor

“Rosie Jones, the comedian, is a huge inspiration for me. I have the same condition as her, cerebral palsy, and I love that she makes the uncomfortable subject relatable.

‘You’ve got a voice as loud as lions, so why let your voice be tamed?’ is a lyric that I think is also important advice. It’s what my sister and I teach our daughters as their voices always need to be heard.

Being treated as equal, being heard, and being valued are key to building a workplace where women can thrive.”

Simone, Contract Dispute and Retention Advisor

“My mum is the woman that inspires me most. She was very hardworking, had three jobs to support four children, and still managed to retire by the time she was 45!

I think the key to building a workplace where women thrive is having equal rights, allowing the same wages and standards towards men and women. It is nice when women are recognised and appreciated for doing things that are traditionally done by men in the workforce.”

Celebrating the achievements of the many incredible women working among us will hopefully inspire many more to speak up and share their stories. We must use our voices to ensure we keep pushing for change and inspiring others to do the same.

Thank you to all of the women at County Broadband for your contributions and Happy International Women’s Day!

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