Want to make a difference in the world? Earth Hour is your chance! On Saturday, March 25th, 2023, from 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm local time, people around the globe will turn off their lights for an hour to stand against climate change. This amply symbolic act of solidarity may seem small—but it’s part of a larger effort aimed at shedding light on the importance of protecting our planet and taking action together. Join millions of people in over 180 countries this Earth Hour and discover your own power to help shape a better future.
Earth Hour is an annual event on the last Saturday of March. During this time, individuals, businesses, and cities around the world turn off their lights for one hour to show their support for the planet and raise awareness about the importance of sustainability. Earth Hour will take place this year on March 25th, from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm local time.
The idea behind Earth Hour is simple: by turning off our lights for just one hour, we can demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and our belief in the power of collective action. The event has grown dramatically since its inception in 2007, with millions of people now participating in over 180 countries.

Why is Earth Hour Important?
Earth Hour is not just about turning off the lights for an hour; it’s about taking a stand for our planet and raising awareness about the impact of our actions on the environment. Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing our planet, and we must take action now to protect our planet’s future and the generations that will inherit it.
One of the most significant ways to reduce our environmental impact is by reducing our energy consumption. Energy production significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, which drive climate change. Turning off our lights for just one hour can reduce our energy consumption and message that we are committed to making a difference.
In addition to reducing our energy consumption, Earth Hour is also an opportunity to raise awareness about other important sustainability initiatives. For example, it can be a time to learn about the benefits of using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power and how we can all play a role in promoting their use.
Another important aspect of Earth Hour is bringing people together collectively to support the planet. It’s a time to reflect on our shared responsibility to care for our planet and to take action to ensure a sustainable future.

Fast, reliable, and green! Full fibre is environmentally friendly
In addition to participating in Earth Hour, we can take other important steps to support sustainability and reduce our environmental impact. One such step is to upgrade to a full fibre connection for our internet and telecommunications needs.
Full fibre connections are the future of the internet and telecommunications, offering many benefits over traditional copper-based connections. For example, full fibre connections are faster, more reliable, and more secure than traditional connections. They also use less energy and emit fewer greenhouse gases, which is essential in the fight against climate change.
Now more than ever, public attention is looking to the future very carefully, keeping an eye on the problem of global warming and looking for solutions with low environmental impact. Cabling a network capable of making Internet users travel at 1 Gbps is not enough for us: we also want it to be nature friendly. Full fibre is the perfect answer to this need. Unlike copper, it is unnecessary to mine the materials that will form the thin glass filaments that make it up; this means that pollution is significantly reduced since there is no emission of dust and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Not only that! The cables are resistant and well-insulated, so they cause very little dispersion into the environment and rarely need maintenance. Fewer interventions of this type correspond once again to less gas and dust emissions due to excavations and less waste to be disposed of.
The wiring techniques have a low environmental impact; when we work on laying full fibre in your home, we thoroughly study the territory and existing infrastructure. We redevelop, when possible, the available infrastructures, using already existing routes for most of our work. In this way, we do not go to affect the natural composition of the territory.
Finally, full fibre connections can help us save money. We can lower our energy costs and reduce our overall carbon footprint by reducing our reliance on traditional energy-intensive infrastructure. In addition, full fibre connections offer faster, more reliable connections, which can help improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace.
Once the fibre optic network has been built, using digital services becomes so easy that you will no longer be able to do without them. Why fill yourself with paperwork when you can have all the documents you need on your smartphone? The trees will thank you.
Earth Hour is a powerful symbol of our commitment to sustainability and shared responsibility to protect the planet. Whether we are turning off the lights for one hour or upgrading to a full fibre connection, every action counts in the fight against climate change.
Let’s turn off the light and switch on the future!