County Broadband Spotlight: Ryan Kent – Mental Health Champion

National Stress Awareness Month has been held each in year April since 1992. It aims to increase public awareness of the causes of stress and how we can help combat it.

Many people experience stress in their daily lives. It may appear due to a job, family, finances, or something else entirely.

It’s important that we acknowledge our feelings and learn that it is completely normal to face difficulties. We can find ways to deal, people to talk to, and many other ways to help us feel like a weight has been lifted.

We spoke to one of our Mental Health Champions, Ryan, about his experiences at County Broadband.

Tell us a bit about yourself and why you started working at County Broadband. 

My name is Ryan Kent and I started working at County Broadband in May last year. I previously worked in Health and Safety for a Traffic Management company, so joining County Broadband was the perfect next step and opportunity to further my career. I can happily say that I haven’t looked back since. 

What made you want to become a Mental Health Champion (MHC) and what do you do as a MHC? 

Mental health is, rightfully so, such a big topic of conversation everywhere at the moment for a variety of reasons. I jumped at the opportunity to become an MHC as it is something I am passionate about. I hope to be that listening ear or support network for all at CBL should anyone need it.  

How can we help to break the taboos surrounding mental health as both individuals and a business?  

We all experience mental health issues at some point in our lives, and nobody should be ashamed of wanting orneeding some extra support sometimes.  

Different people cope with the same levels of stress or situations in different ways. However, no one should be shamed for having less of a tolerance. Let’s build each other up the County Broadband way! 

How can we stay healthy in work?  

To stay healthy at work you need to get a good night sleep, and make sure you eat and drink well throughout the day. Don’t be afraid to speak up if something isn’t going as planned or you need some extra help.  

Do you have any advice for people who may struggle with their workload or role? 

My advice with dealing with workload and/or role is to take a step back and re-evaluate your role or task. Sometimes just a little break can reset your mind. If not, simply speak to someone, whether that is your line manager, a colleague or a member of the MHC team (if your company has this in place) who will be happy to help where they can.  

What are your top 5 pieces of advice for dealing with stress in the workplace? 

My top 5 pieces of advice for dealing with stress in the workplace are: 

  1. Take short breaks regularly throughout the day. Spend some time outside if you can.
  2. Talk to someone, even if it’s just a general chat, it can often alleviate some built up tension.  
  3. Familiarise yourself with the task at hand and how you can best tackle it.  
  4. Plan your day. Balance your time and prioritise. 
  5. Don’t take anything work related personally, we’re all here to do a job but we are all on the same side.  

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