Analogue Switch-Off Explained: How do I prepare my business for the switch? 


As a local business, no matter the size or industry, communication will always be one of your most vital tools. This is why understanding and correctly preparing for the Analogue Switch-Off is so important. 


For those who aren’t in the know, the Analogue Switch-Off is the gradual transition from analogue to digital networks for our phone lines, currently facilitated by telecom providers across the UK. Want to know the basics? Read our introductory Q&A blog


For our third and final instalment in our blog series, we’re getting into the business end of the switch-off, covering what companies of all shapes and sizes need to know for the upcoming 2025 deadline. 


Reminder – what is the Analogue Switch-Off and why is it happening? 

Image Credit: Fre Sonneveld 


To recap on the what, when, and why: the UK’s public switched telephone network (PSTN) – or analogue networks – are in the gradual process of being switched off. We use the term ‘gradual’ as, while the final deadline for the switch-off is 31 December 2025, the process is well underway with telecom providers, like County Broadband, already upgrading analogue lines to fully digital networks. 


The primary implication of this is that any business using a landline phone will need to switch to a digital handset which plugs directly into the broadband router as opposed to the mains. 


But why is this happening at all? 


In the same way that an older car might be harder to repair given the lack of resources, analogue networks have reached the end of their serviceable life. Finding the correct parts needed to fix or maintain network connections is much harder to come by in 2024 and beyond, as suppliers have simply stopped manufacturing them. 


Plus, as the world of telecommunications moves towards full fibre-based networks, it is only logical that this is replicated through our landline networks. 


What can you do to prepare your business? 

Image Credit: Chris Montgomery 


You may wonder, then, what sets apart average residents and businesses when it comes to preparing for the switch-off. Residents have very little to do in the way of preparation for the switch-off, and can simply wait until their provider contacts them to facilitate the swap. 


For businesses, however, things are a little more complicated. Your business must determine what is the best way to upgrade from analogue to digital, depending on your unique business needs. You could opt to swap to a like-for-like digital phone, swap to mobile telephony, make use of alternative technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), or a combination of all these approaches. 


Whichever route you choose to follow, it’s important to note that other technologies like telecare and building alarms cannot always be transmitted reliably through digital networks and may need to be upgraded entirely before they can connect to the upgraded network. 


Plus, unlike analogue phone lines, your digital network will not work in the event of a power cut which can prompt issues for technology that requires constant connectivity like telecare alarms, lift lines and fire panels. 


What are the benefits? 

Image Credit: Mike van den Bos 


While it may seem like quite the undertaking, the switch to fully digital networks will provide your business with various benefits, including: 


  • Increased call stability and clarity – this is crucial for achieving both effective internal communications as well as professional customer service 
  • Improved efficiency – assessing your business’ digital needs can give a greater picture of your operational workflow and lead to identifying areas that can be approved through streamlining or employing new technologies. 
  • Reduced costs – if you decide to explore the route of landline-free broadband, this could lead to reduced contract costs with your provider 


Full fibre broadband – the ultimate upgrade for your business 


Image Credit: Compare Fibre 


It’s crucial to note, however, that your business will only benefit so much from this digital upgrade depending on the broadband network it is running off. 


Much like analogue PTSN networks, copper-based broadband networks are no longer able to support the technological demands of the present or future. 


Boasting speeds of a whopping 11x faster than Superfast, copper-based networks, full fibre can achieve speeds up to 1,000 Mbps which can be upgraded to 10,000 Mbps and beyond in the future. As technology becomes ever-demanding, these speeds will be nothing short of crucial to ensure your business is future-proofed for years to come. 


This guarantees crystal-clear video-conferencing, lightning-fast downloads and overall enhanced productivity when using web-based software. 


Whether you’re a resident or business, you can check if you’re covered in County Broadband’s rollout by entering your postcode at where you can also register your interest in finding out more about the full fibre infrastructure and service. 


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